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OCR: Macintosh 1 Ordering Information Macintosh II CPU Order No. M5333 With your order you'll cceive: Macintosh II p personal puter with : huilt-in 80K c1isk drive Mouse Owner' quide Systern softwane Training clisksi(2) Limired slalenent Macintosh I Order M5430 Wih your order you'll rereive Hard Disk 40 CPU Macintosh II perstinal com putcr with a i built-in 800K disk drive arl an interna] 401eg byte SCSt twrel di:sk drive Mouse Owner's guide System soltware training disks (2) liniex warrany statement Apple Computer me 20525 Mariani Avenue 1p:: topk then'eloss tnnleTalk.A. HCr aserWritcr Cupertinus, CA 95014 Maciucal loralTalt nNE are and MultiFinde rerilerl :radk:matke nt Tadamarkr Aoplc Compiurr HS.IXIS . (4(8) 96 - 1010 cfMirminh ior VuRus is fi Iradc mark ul Teme JretrJulcits. Xigi TLX 171-5 ...